20 Ramadan 2014: Normalise

Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional. -Roger Crawford Life is a series of good and bad, ease and difficulty, abundance and limitation, happiness and sadness, health and sickness ... have you ever seen anything else? So if life is a cycle of changes, what does that mean? It cannot mean that it... Continue Reading →

19 Ramadan 2014: I have a Dream

“I have a dream today” - Martin Luther King Jr As we start the last third of this blessed month, the third of salvation and countdown to the 'farewell', today's thought is also a reflection ... I have a dream that ... what is wrong is seen as wrong through the assessment of harm to... Continue Reading →

18 Ramadan 2014: Purpose

“I want to make my mark,' he says. But what target, I wonder, are you going to hit?” ― Cecil Castellucci In its' 9th year, I do believe that this topic comes up every year. Is it surprising? I believe not, because with no purpose ... why are we here again? Why am I writing? Why do I continue... Continue Reading →

17 Ramadan 2014: Maybe Tomorrow

"How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?" - Dr. Seuss Unfortunately, I don't have an answer or a thought or even an inkling as to what time is.... Continue Reading →

16 Ramadan 2014: Truth

“The more I see, the less I know for sure.” - John Lennon .... and the only thing we know for sure is that we are born, we live, we die ... simple. So what does that mean? Nothing really other than always knowing that everything we see or hear may or may not be... Continue Reading →

15 Ramadan 2014: Treasure within our Reach

"The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart." - Maryanne Williamson Clearly this is a blog related to Ramadan, which in itself is a festive and spiritual time full of goodness and blessings. Whichever faith one belongs to, most often forget about a treasure that is within reach -... Continue Reading →

14 Ramadan 2014: Decide to Decide

“Sometimes, making the wrong choice is better than making no choice. You have the courage to go forward, that is rare. A person who stands at the fork, unable to pick, will never get anywhere.” - Terry Goodkind We all face indecisive moments and contrary to what most people think, we are indecisive for genuinely... Continue Reading →

13 Ramadan 2014: Make Peace

"The best peace agreement you can enter into is one you make with god, yourself and those around you" - Ramadan Living Blogger I don't know about you, but I sure feel like there hasn't been a more opportune and desperate time to make peace. Before we start looking at how others should make peace... Continue Reading →

12 Ramadan 2014: Reflection

"Don't wait for the last judgement - it takes place every day" - Albert Camus I had a small reflection, what if all of humanity believed in a day of judgement? what if none of humanity believed in a day of judgement? What are the risks in life and what are the risks in hereafter?... Continue Reading →

11 Ramadan 2014: Even Better

"A good deed is a good deed" - John Lee Hancock I liked this quote because it simply explains how any good is good … aaaannndddd? The definition of a good deed can be portrayed by faith and other philosophical views of morality and ethics. Central to a lot of Scholarly thoughts and views in Islam... Continue Reading →

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